Saline Sonogram - Day 7

This will be my 4th or 5th SIS in our journey (3 pregnancies) and have never had an issue.

I had a MC in March, waited a cycle and then came in on my second cycle on day 7 for an SIS to see how everything looked. My doctor said there was still blood in my uterus (I wasn’t bleeding) that was floating around so I would need to have a procedure to get it out and then do another SIS in order to start the FET process.

When I got out of the SIS I was in the hallway talking to the dr when I felt a gush, and ran to the bathroom. I had a ton of blood and passed a decent sized clot. Right away I told my dr. So we scheduled another SIS in two weeks just to check once more (along with the surgery two days after).

I guess my question is, has anyone had blood in the uterus when gone in for SIS? Was the only way it was removed by a surgery? I started BC tonight to time the surgery when he can get it done.

My hope would be maybe what I passed today after the SIS was what he was seeing. But preparing myself I’ll need to go in and get whatever it is removed.