Baby boy is finally here !!!

At 37 weeks and 4 days. Little man decided he wanted to come. Oh man was this journey long and hard. I had a restless sleep the night prior and when I woke up. I was just slowly leaking. This all started about 7:30 a.m. So I shower and just wait to get picked up and had non painful contractions back to back. So I arrive at the hospital at 10 a.m. Got checked 30 minutes later and was at 4cm. So I moved rooms. Let's not forget I all of a sudden had high blood pressure. Really high. & The contractions slowly started getting more painful. All of my contractions only lasted a minute. Thank goodness. So I requested the epideral. Which only worked for one side and it was horrible. But after getting it, I was checked and at 6cm. We had to fix the epideral because i was in so much pain. By 3:30 pm I was at 7 cm. & By 4, I was COMPLETELY dilated. Talk about fast. So we had some trial pushes. Very unsuccessful. & The epideral had worn off on me. So I was in excruciating pain. I tried so hard. After pushing for two hours and getting nowhere. It was time for a c section. The contractions were so bad. I don't know how any mommy did it completely natural. You truly are strong and I admire you. So we were doing a spinal tap or something. Suppose to be more effective. Guess what? Not effective at all. So I had to be put under. My little man was born on Dec. 30, 2015 at 8:28 p.m. Weighing 6lbs 12ozs and 19in long. My poor baby's head is red and a little peeled or something. & I guess that's from the fail pushes. On top of that, he has low blood sugar and he's cold. So they have him toasting up. Hearing his little cries when he did cry is so painful. Tears my heart apart. But that's my birth story. To all the mommies that had a c section. I salute you. I feel and understand your pain. I wish I was able to deliver vaginally. & That right there will always hurt inside.