Conflicting results

I am using glow and it says today is my most fertile day but I took the clear blue ovulation test like it suggested but I didn't even get a smiley face just an empty circle which means I'm no where near ovulation... I'm feeling frustrated and confused bc my husband and I have been trying for a year now. Any thoughts? 
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Posted at
Yes I agree with what everyone's saying here. If you're using opks you need to test from around five days before your predicted ovulation day or you could miss the lh surge, which can happen anywhere from 12-36 hours before you actually ovulate.


Posted at
Could have missed the surge this month maybe? I'm so glad I started opks this month as I found out I ovulated 3 days after my period, on day 8 of my cycle.. super early. Maybe something similar is happening for you?


Posted at
Thank you!


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I am sorry I meant a few days before your estimated ovulation day not after.


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One of the admin people said the day you get your highest percentage on glow is not the day you ovulate it will be a few days after because it is better to have sperm waiting for the egg. So maybe your opk has not picked it up yet because it tells you 12-24 hrs before ovulation.


Posted at
I would start taking them about 8 days or so after your period ends that way you don't miss it. Just because Glow says you'll O doesn't mean you will then. Glow said I wouldn't O until the 1st but I had a + OT this morning!


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I took one yesterday and today. We just started doing the OT bc we found following the fertile days was not working.


Posted at
Is this the only day you've taken an OT? Glow said I wasn't suppose to ovulate until the 1st but my OT this morning was positive.