In LOVE with the Saalt Soft cup


Last year when I still had an iud I tried the Cora disc (basic black one) and it was so firm it was uncomfortable… flash forward a few months I got the iud removed because of the side effects and purchased the cora soft fit disc (blue one) and loved it! It took some time getting used to putting it in but now that I have it down pat I love it! The only downside is that when I pee or poo it slides out… in comes the cup! I purchased the Saalt Soft Cup based off the put-a-cup-in-it quiz online. I AM IN LOVE! Tampons always hurt and were super uncomfortable BUT the cup doesn’t do any of that. It’s super easy to insert, doesn’t move when I pee (poo yes so I remove when I do that) and NO LEAKS… I can 100% say it also helps my cramps because they’ve been non-existent this cycle. No more nasty messy pads for me ❤️❤️❤️ The one thing I’ve noticed is sometimes the Saalt Soft cup won’t open so I have to reinsert it a few times. Could be the fact it’s my first time with a cup and it’s a bit softer 🤷‍♀️ Either way I love it!