single mom of 2

im 6 months pregnant & I have a 15 month old. my child’s father decided he’s leaving me 2 days ago and is making comments like he’s not going to be around cause he keeps saying i’m gonna miss our son. how do I get over this heart break? I have no family. my parents are on drugs and I haven’t spoke to either since I had my son, I have no friends since becoming a mom, my sister is all I have and she lives far away. I have a good job but not to pay all the bills alone, I don’t qualify for any government benefits at all! and he’s also been a stay at home dad for the past 8 months and I was the first 6 months so our kid has never been in a daycare and that already hurts my heart cause I have to leave him at a strange place for the first time tomorrow and i’m going through a breakup and pregnancy alone. I feel like my hearts gonna explode. he still hasn’t left the house told me it might be a week so im living with someone who doesn’t even like me and it’s straight silence between us. he literally told me he’s done over text message while I was laying down with our son.

I just feel so lost and dumb and embarrassed and I know this is a long post but I never thought I’d go through this. especially being pregnant. 🥹