Change in behavior eating/sleeping issues

Hi mommas, posting here until we receive clinical help. My husband and I are desperate to seek some advice on how to help our daughter go through issues that we have been working on for a while. We are in the trenches 😔. Reaching out as a mother to a mother is where I have found myself in this season of time because I am pregnant with baby #2 and am in desperate need of so relief so that I can carry this baby in the most healthy way possible without the added stress as mine and my baby’s life is at stake.

My daughter who will be three soon 🥹 is overall excited for a new sibling but of course toddlers have big emotions and so I feel that it may be contributing to her non preferred behaviors as well as eating and sleeping issues (not eating as much and having a hard time staying asleep at night where she was sleeping well before). I don’t want to make this post super long so trying to summarize as much as I can. She also was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and will be seeing an ent for further assessment - this too is a factor that has made things difficult - as well as having texture sensitivity problems so eating has deteriorated. I am heartbroken, tired, but determined to be proactive in helping my daughter and myself as much as I can. If any mommas can provide any advice on how to help her behavior I would greatly appreciate it. TIA!