Realization, my TTC method sucks

Amber • 23-Married. Currently Pregnant after 11 months TTC. MC May 2015
So I've been frustrated... Trying for 8 months with 1 mc, no baby yet. But I realized while on this site, I'm not fully TRYING. My "try" method has been using an app and a lot of sex. But I never used OPK, special vitamins, preseed, checked CM, or temp.... I knew all of these existed but I never thought it would be necessary. I go to the OBGYN next week... I'll get a checkup. If all is fine then I'm going to really start the trying method. If it doesn't work for a few months then we will go to a specialist. Although I'm distracted, it's kind of calming... Knowing I haven't tried EVERYTHING with no luck.