Pregnancy symptoms

Holly • Hi! I`m 21 years young! School full time, while I work part time. I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world, we are like each others best friends and couldn`t be any more happier! ♡
Hi everyone! I am 7 weeks today and I was just curious of everybody's early pregnancy symptoms before they found out they were pregnant! Here's my story, thanksgiving week I was eating a lot more and I didn't know why, I was hungry hour after hour, well never thought anything about it. Then I noticed I was getting really thirsty through out the day. One night I was sitting on my <a href="">glow app</a> (a day before my period was suppose to come) usually my boobs get really tender a couple days before my period well, I noticed they weren't tender or sore. So I had a cheap dollar store test I had put up, I figured that night why not just go ahead and take the test I thought to myself "I'm sure it's negative anyway". Well as I went into the bathroom my SO followed me in there being curious and the test came back positive, as I was pulling up my pants I noticed he was wiping his eyes as if he didn't believe what he was seeing! I looked over and way...there's no way! He insisted we go get a digital test, so went and got one and that one came back positive! We couldn't believe it! Went to the health dpt. And got another test done and that one was positive! I found out extremely early I was 3 weeks and 2 day's! Our first doctor appt. Is January 4th and I am too excited! Ladies share your story! I enjoy reading them!!