Am I pregnant


I am 17 and for about a month I have had extreme nausea almost everyday and sometimes throw up. It only started becoming a problem about a month ago but 2 years ago I had chronic neausea which caused me to feel neausous all the time. Though it could be that, my periods only lasted 3 days last month and they usually last 5-6 days. I had sex on my periods so I dont if thats why they stopped early. As well, I got a vaginal infection a couple of weeks ago that lasted 3-4 days. I am on birthcontrol and my boyfriend pulls out but I have had acidic white discharge everyday for about a month. My periods are supposed to come in 4 days and I took a pregnancy test this morning but it was negative. I took one 3 weeks ago aswell and it was also negative. I am confused because a lot of the symptoms I am experiencing are pregnancy symptoms but I took 2 tests and both came out negative.