Husband Seems Frustrated That He Can’t Settle Baby


Our little girl just hit 12 weeks today! But I think my husband is frustrated that he can’t seem to settle her when I’m not around. I’m breastfeeding so it’s easy to just pop her on if she’s really upset and that’ll usually calm her down.

And no, not frustrated and going to hurt baby. Just sad that he can’t help.

Like tonight, she was cranky most of the evening. She wouldn’t nap and had been awake since 5pm. So we did her bedtime routine earlier than normal and I fed her and she fell asleep so I put her in the bassinet. He was in bed too, and I got up to go shower. I was gone maybe 15 minutes but as soon as I got out I could hear her crying.

He was pacing with her trying to settle her, and giving her a pacifier but she wouldn’t take it. But as soon as he handed her over to me she settled and fell back to sleep.

I feel sad that he might feel sad that he can’t help and I don’t know how to help him. But I also feel bad when I step away to shower and get out and he’s been with a crying baby so I always take over because I know my boobs will calm her down.