Vitamins/Supplements While Breastfeeding


I am currently exclusively breastfeeding my second child. My first child that I had 3 years ago I was unable to breastfeed due to multiple reasons. With the first child, we had a very traumatic birth and a lot of additional stress immediately thereafter. I was very anemic which went untreated for the first two weeks after he was born. Aside from that my doctor had me on way too much opioid pain medicine. I was so weak and lightheaded that we ended up staying with my in-laws because my husband had to go back to work and I was too weak to care for the baby. My MIL for some reason does not like breastfeeding and does not understand how the supply and demand works. She kept insisting on supplementing him with a bottle because she didn't think he was able to eat enough. We were also concerned that the amount of medication I was on might be passed through the milk as well. Long story short I was never able to produce enough milk to satisfy him and he was having to get mostly formula. I still would let him nurse as much as I could to get every little bit of breast milk that I was making. Now with my second child we had a much more positive experience with a new doctor and hospital. I still bled a lot during and immediately after the C-section. However, my new doctor was aware of the previous problems and immediately started me on iron supplements and additional fluids to combat the anemia. After going home from the hospital I have continued the iron supplements as well as other vitamins and supplements to aid in my recovery and to ensure that I am producing healthy milk as well as maintaining my own vitamin reserves. My son is 2 weeks and 2 days old currently. We have a checkup tomorrow to assess his weight gain and growth on the breast milk. We are also following up on the corrective surgery for his lip tie and tongue tie that was done last week. He appears to be doing extremely well to me. I will post an update tomorrow if possible. I posted a picture of what I take every day currently as well as a picture of my son. Also I know some of the gummies have the same nutrients as a couple of the others. But the gummies are about to run out as I started taking them for the first two weeks. I ordered more fenugreek and milk thistle to replace the lactation gummies. FYI: my son was 8 lbs 7 oz at birth. When we left the hospital he was 7 lbs 15.5 oz. Very curious to see his current weight.