Terrified and feeling joy on New Years Eve

Astrid • ttc #1 for 5 years. Diagnose w/ pcos. 1 ectopic pregnancy July 2014. 1 miscarriage April 2015. Rainbow baby 8/21/16
My husband and I have been ttc our first for 5 years. In July 2014 I had a D&C due to an ectopic pregnancy, I was 8w's. I had a miscarrige April 2015 at 10w's, just two weeks before my 32nd birthday. It was the worst birthday. I took a pregnancy test a few days before Christmas and I got a BFP. I want to feel complete happiness but I have not been able too. I'm worried. The pregnancy symptoms have been stronger then my previous pregnancies, that gives me hope. I'm only about 6 weeks. I hope and I pray that everything goes well this new year. I have my first doctors app 1/11/16. I hope everyone has a great 2016 and healthy pregnancies. Thank you for reading.