please help😩


my son is 8 days old and we have been exclusively breastfeeding. he was born at 7lb 14oz on june 14, he was discharged on the 16th at 7lb 5oz. he had his first checkup this past monday and was 7lb 2.5oz, and today at our lactation appointment he was 7lb 0.5oz which puts him right at the 10% weight loss mark. he nurses every 2-3 hours, and i wake him up if need be. he has a great latch and makes a good amount of dirty and wet diapers. i also don't think my milk fully came in until this past tuesday.

anywho- today at my lactation appt.. baby had gone 3.5 hours without nursing so he was LIVID. screamed and cried the whole way to the appt which is almost an hour away, so by the time we got there and got him latched, he was exhausted and i don't think the lactation consultant got a fair look at how much he typically gets from each breast. she told me to breastfeed for 10 minutes, then offer a bottle (of breastmilk, formula if BM is unavailable), and then pump after that to maintain supply and see how much i get which could be used in the bottle during the next feed.

i'm just so discouraged.. it feels like he is doing great, he's just not meeting that number they want to see on the scale. i'm so worried about causing nipple confusion.. so worried about losing the supply i do have.. has anyone been through something like this?