Is this vvfl??

Hey y’all! So I’m

never sure until someone else sees it for themselves. I took two tests yesterday and one was negative but one was faint. Today i woke up and took this test. (All the same test just different angles or filters) is this positive or should i just toss it? My boyfriend (who i live with and bought a house with) has a five year old and i have a 19 month old..I’m a little nervous but wither way i know we’ll be fine. We’ve been together for almost 8 months😅 i know, we moved FAST! But we’re happy. Just need some help with this one!

EDIT: BTW my period was three-ish days last week. Wasn’t normal. Was very heavy day one and the next was normal and last day or two was almost nothing. Idk if its even possible to be pregnant after A WEEK. Had sex ON the first day of period too.

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