

I had 4 biopsies done yesterday (was only supposed to get one on uterus) but they ended up finding a cluster of abnormal cells on my cervix now as well, i have hyperplasia (just diagnosed) of the uterus caused by my PCOS becoming very advanced due to my family doctor prescribing me the wrong medication for the past 15 years increasing my estrogen which i have to much of already and taking away any little amount of progesterone i had i blame the doctors 100 % saying i am to young for this and that no need to check further, i was diagnosed when i was 12 with pcos and now am 27 and just seen my first OBGYN because family doctor wouldnt send out a referral previously untill i just fought tooth and nail for this apt and now there finding unusual cells on cervix, ( does this typically mean cancer ) or will i be fine

Also 2 years ago i had an iud that was meant to be taken out for almost 4 months, i went in and out of my doctors many times and them saying no im fine leave it in its not gonna hurt you or just go home and do it yourself, ( me knowing that is not true) i went to my emergency center because i was getting sicker and sicker each day, finally after the 4 months of begging to have it removed the emergency doctor said okay lets have a look and he said the second he looked up inside he was mortified i had an infection so badly it caused me to go septic and i ended up having pelvic inflammatory disease “PID” he looked at me and apologized for all the times the doctors didnt listen and said if i didnt come in when i did i would have been so sick i would be on my death bed within the next week i went on strong antibiotics to get rid of anything bad in my system (stuck with pid for life now) luckily it wasnt as aggressive as they thought so i can still have a chance for children, but now after my biopsys and them finding spots of bad cells i dont think ill ever have the privilege of a baby now :(

I want to sue my family doctor so badly but everyone is telling me i cannot i have 15 years of records of them misdiagnosing me or blowing me off as if im crazy and finally now my obgyn is saying im not crazy never was and never should have experienced any of this bullshit

Anyways that is my rant for today, im sorry to anyone out there that has gone threw the same or similar type of bullshit i have went threw it have been an emotional roller coaster and now finally after so long of begging and pleading for help and answers i have someone who is 1000 % committed in helping me i just hope it isnt to late for me to have my own baby and if so adoption is ALWAYS an option 💜🙏