5wks 5dys.

Samantha • My husband and have been trying for 8 yrs. We have taken Clomid several times. This time we are up to 200mg. We still have our fingers crossed. 😳
I found I was pregnant on 12/15/15. And that was due to spotting in between my period. And I knew it wasn't time for Aunt Flow just yet. Now I'm having some more bleeding. I went to the ER the other night because I had a sharp pain and blood. The doctor told me I was threatening a miscarriage. (He didn't even check me.) But he also said if I didn't pass any tissue I should be fine. Which I didn't. But here it is Friday and I'm still spotting. I'm not due to see my OBGYN until 2/5/16. I was thinking about calling him on Monday to see if I could come this week. What should I do ladies. This pregnancy is our gift from God. After 8 1/2yrs of ttc we got our blessings. I miscarried before at age 20. Im now 34 and this would be my first baby