Hating breastfeeding, should I persevere?


My daughter is 4 days old and we've been solely breastfeeding so far, I wasn't able to with my son due to his prematurity even though I had a good milk supply so was happy it was working this time.

But omg maybe I wasn't missing much the first time, I think I actually hate it. My nipples are sore and it feels like it hurts so much when she first latches, I've been counting to 10 and then unlatching if it still hurts but even when it doesn't hurt it still just feels uncomfortable?

I'm also pretty sure she doesn't like my right breast, I normally have a slightly inverted nipples that side so that's probably why.

Both my breasts feel so full and sore even after she feeds.

I think I have like too much milk? I remember last time I was always able to pump a lot. And maybe it flows too fast, like she will fall asleep on the breast and if I don't pull her off she might gag because her mouth was still filling up with milk.

And I leak soooo much. She fights so much trying to find a good latch and I'll be leaking the whole time and we just both end up with milk all over our clothes...

And she's always frantically moving her hands around and they graze against my nipples and it hurts so much.

I'm honestly considering just pumping and feeding her that way instead. But just wondering if this will get better soon and maybe I should stick it out a bit longer?