My husband hates me

Whether you feel compelled to share advice or compelled to pray, anything would be appreciated.

I’m struggling in my marriage. My husband is not a Christian. He doesn’t go to church with me and the kids. This is on me because I married him knowing this. Maybe I hoped he would change over the years.

He is very unkind to me verbally. He often puts me down by calling me fat, lazy, disgusting, worthless, etc. Divorce crosses my mind often, but after I pray about it, I feel like I need to stay. But man this is so tough. I am struggling so much. He no longer loves me and I no longer love him. With the way he insults my body after having kids I have no urge to be intimate… and well, he is grossed out by my body so it has been two years since we have had sex.

He currently is on a weight loss journey and looks amazing! His weight loss journey has him at the gym twice a day leaving me with no time to work on myself as I take care of the kids. He is now venturing out more. Doing more things with out me, gaining hobbies with the idea that I will just stay back with the kids while he has fun. I’m hurt because these were hobbies we had together before kids and I want to join but we hate each other 😩

Ugh. I’m struggling