Calling out my "friends" and relatives

I need a hug 😔 After a situation involving my grown brother being incredibly disrespectful to me which involved his gun and ranting and insulting my intelligence, I had to ask him to leave my apartment after warnings for him to stop (not kicked out, he lives with my mom) because he was stressing me out. Now my dad has decided to ice me out. No happy new years/merry christmas from him, he didn't even respond when I left him a message about pcos being confirmed. I've been reaching out but I'm so tired of the rejection. Background with my dad sucks and I'm torn between letting him go or confronting him. So I gave everyone the chance to understand me because I'm not hiding a detail and have nothing to be ashamed of (including beliefs, orientation, etc). I told the people who are supposed to care and be there to accept me for who I am and get past the differences or let me go if they can't do that. I'm not even sure if I want to reconcile with him (dad), but my brother and I smoothed things out just fine and basically don't talk about it. I wish he (brother) would admit and apologize when he has done wrong but he never I'm venting.