Meet ares (Aries)


A couple months ago I posted my son being two months early, he was due the 26th of march, but decided to come on the 28th of jan. we stayed in hospital for the whole two months being told he might not make it due to preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and kidney failure. Our baby boy fought so hard. He has hypotonia and we are still trying to get answers what caused it, but his here. With us. We have constant therapy, physio, speech therapy, pt nutrition and a midwife who comes to the home weekly. His been doing amazing, he rolls over and over again,tries to get up on his knees and his figured his the boss of the house. My elder boys absolutely adore him, just as much as he adores them. They have the strongest bond. I just want to thank everyone who reached out, even tho I didn’t reply. My fears of loosing him had me stay off my phone just incase he needed me. It’s been amazing being a mum again. He is exactly what we needed in our lives.