Am I wrong?

So after finding out my boyfriend was hitting my best friend up for weed and acting like I didn't know about it, I found out he deleted those messsges. I had no idea why he felt the need to delete them because it was him asking for weed and he does it and I know about it. Well come to find out one of the messages included him saying he had weed and was asking her to chill and smoke (She declined of course) and I'm pretty sure that's why he deleted the messages. Anyways now he has been keeping close guard of his phone and taking it everywhere. So being suspicious I let him know how I'm feeling and he left the house to see his friend. I told him I can't keep trying to hold onto someone who doesn't feel the slightest bit bad about any of this. He tries to make me look bad and make himself into a victim. So he responded saying he would pack his stuff instead of letting his pride go and actually hear what was going on with my suspicion and why and all that and discuss things like an adult. Well I told him since he likes to just be around when it's convenient for him and just abandon me to take care of our son all by myself and be pregnant and stuff feeling all emotional, that I want the least stress possible during birth and he can wait in the waiting area and be the first person in after I'm through with birth. I don't need the reminder of all this drama when I'm in labor and I'd rather do it myself. I'm not keeping her from him I just don't want him physically in the room during labor. Am I wrong? Like he's not being completely honest with me and I know that and I'm the mother of his child and he isn't respecting me as such but expects to still get that respect to be there when I'd prefer to do it alone.