
We had our july baby become a June baby!

June 30th at 11:04 pm our little girl, Lena, was born! We have 2 boys at home and my husband and I were 99% sure this one was a boy as well. Much to our surprise she’s a girl and we are still in shock we have a daughter!

Birth story:

I had a chiro appt Thursday and she did some acupuncture things just to help further things along for me. That evening I was having inconsistent contractions that would come and go throughout the night. That Friday I had our boys home with me while my husband was working and I was having them constant for a good chunk of time and then they went away. Finally around 5:45 pm I was getting our boys’ supper ready and my contractions were 5 minutes apart, lasting one minute and getting more and more intense. I finally texted my husband and said you need to get home please. I got the boys’ bags packed while they were eating and we headed to my parents house around 7. We hung out with them for a while and I had 5-6 good intense contractions, we took one last family picture and I went to the bathroom and I felt like I either peed or my water just started to leak. We then left to the hospital and made a pit stop to subway for the hubby and I was having very intense contractions in the parking lot. We made it to the hospital and I got checked. I was at 6 cm dilated and my water did break. I asked for the epidural right away because my contractions were one on top of the other. They couldn’t get labs or an IV placed because I was so dehydrated so the anesthesiologist had to place the IV. After close to an hour of getting the epidural I was checked again and I was at an 8. We waited around 30 minutes and I felt intense pressure in my butt. I did a couple practice pushes, my husband got all gloved up and within 4 minutes she was here! My husband has delivered all 3 kiddos and he was so excited baby was here, when the nurses asked what she was he said “it’s a boy.” They asked are you sure dad and in that moment I was in complete shock.

She is beyond perfect. She was 6 lbs 4 oz, 19.25 inches long and has some red hair like big bro and daddy 💜