Black eye


Hi I’m only 18 and I’m going thru a very tough time with my ex. A little more than 2 weeks ago me and my ex got into one of the worst fights we’ve been into, I did not hit him first but I definitely hit him back. We were arguing and he threw me out the car as I stated an opinion of something I did not like as we were attempting to get food. He made me get out and walk the rest to the house and cracked my phone with threatening to break it (he does these two things very often, pushing me out the car and breaking all my devices) I walked to the house and he always tells me to get out or go home after all this stuff and will lock the door on me. Clearly this is something that would upset someone, and my purse is in his house so I’m constantly texting him and knocking to bring my purse outside so I can leave. My homegirl also lives with him and I told her to bring it to me not including her in anything but I did want to go home and not without my purse, he doesn’t allow her.

After a few knocking on the window and the door he comes out and slaps me and I try to hit him with something but not purposely aiming for him, he then chokes me until I cannot breathe and I fall face flat onto the concrete as he tries to pick me up he says “ sorry sorry “ then proceeds to say “ that’s your fault that’s what you get “ I’m yelling I cannot breathe with blood leaking out my mouth because my lip is busted. I’m crying and he just throws all my stuff outside and drags me thru the dirt I’m dirty and just beat up.

He’s telling me stand in the street or across the street and do not come back infront of his house. I have no where to go it’s 2am and I’m all bloody I didn’t want to call anyone bc I already knew the outcome.

Fast forward my phone is dying I’m telling him to put it on the charger in the car and I do say it with an attitude or whatever and then we get to fighting again. At this point I’m chasing him around because he spit on me multiple times and he does this often which is my biggest issue with him. I pull his hair very hard and then he chokes me out again this time for much longer I feel as though I passed out, as I wake up I’m very confused with everything just laying on the dirt crying and screaming. He claims I fell on the side of my face while he was choking me but I really do believe he punched me before that or something I don’t know but my face was a mess. I had a huge lump on the side of my eye and scratches everywhere. I would insert pics but I don’t want anyone to know what I look like. I suffer with anxiety really bad so I get into the car and just scream and scream I really didn’t know what to do next. I told him we need to stop talking to each other but he doesn’t like getting painted as the bad guy. He made me walk around with glasses on for days and I couldn’t be with my friends because I was so scared to tell them what happen. I avoided everyone for a while I felt so ugly and just embarrassed that I even let something like this continue happening. I want to get out of this situationship eventually.