Potty training tips!!


I just started potty training my 3 and a half year old daughter yesterday. She kept having accidents on her underwear so I decided to take off her undies and just leave her with a shirt on. My daughter is nonverbal and the times that she’s asked me that she needs to go she grabs me and points to the bathroom and runs in there. Mommies how many accidents did your kids have and did they tell you that they needed to go ? Like I said earlier I decided to leave her with a shirt on and no undies because that’s what I’ve heard from other mommies but does that really work? Im sorry im a first time mom and get concerned easily 😅 I also remind her every 10 minutes if she needs to pee or poop go to the restroom or ask mommy if she needs to go. Everytime I put underwear on her she pees and wont let me now. I tell her everytime thats not a diaper and she does not pee or poop there, if she needs to go to go to the restroom. I feel like she still thinks that her underwear is a diaper. And I need her to learn that you don’t pee or poop in the underwear. Good thing is that last night I put her to sleep with a training underwear and woke up dry this morning. Next week she starts VBS at her school for a whole week and im scared she’s just going to have accidents the entire time. She officialy starts school in September and needs to be fully potty trained.

Should I just continue to leave her with a shirt on and no underwear and eventually she’ll learn not to pee on her underwear ?