Every thing an argument with 4 year old


I’m losing my mind with my 4 year old 😫 i just don’t know what to do with her. she always gets mad and has tantrums. she wanted an egg and wanted to help. okay cool. she couldn’t crack the egg, asked do you want help? she said yes. w the egg and then she got mad because she wanted to crack the egg. after cooking the egg she got mad ( i don’t even know why) and went in the corner for like 5 minutes. she constantly does this. another time her cousins invited her for a walk. she said she wanted to go and i was like okay let’s go then she refused to walk. so i was like if you’re not walking well have to stay. which she got mad and said wanted to go. so i was like okay let’s go then once again, she didn’t move. ended up carrying her. it is just so frustrating because give her options then she gets mad at both like idk what to do 😭