Excited for 2016

Courtney • 29, married, TTC #1
I'm the most negative person I know so this is so unlike me but I'm actually excited for this year! Last year was pretty tough but this year I'll turn 29 and feel like I will actually get my shit together. It will be the last year of my twenties, the second year of marriage and my fertile window started on the 1st which I feel like is a good sign. We are going to step the TTC up a notch, we are both going to exercise and eat better and my husband is going to quit smoking. Weare also going to finally try and put some savings away for once, we are both so terrible for money. I think it's safe to say that it will be tough considering since I've woken up all I've thought about is chocolate and I'm pretty much the worst person at staying motivated but I really want to get to the end of this year and feel like I achieved everything I wanted to for once.