Poor weight gain


Hey first time mom here. I have a 1 month old. She is exclusively breast fed. Eats every 2-3 hours sometimes more.

At her birth she was 6lb 8oz. When she left the hospital she was 6lb 3oz.

At her two week appointment she was 6lb 7.8oz. The doctor tried to get me to supplement with formula saying she’s not gaining enough weight. I told him I would prefer to exclusively breast feed. (Nothing wrong with formula I just enjoy the bonding). He had me follow up in a week for a weight check. So the next week she is 6lb 15oz and they were happy with the weight and said she is good and gaining weight. And it’s fine to keep doing what I am doing.

Now a week after that appointment she is only 7lb 1oz. I changed nothing from this week to the last week. So still gaining weight just not as fast as they want her to. So they give me options. And tell me to feed every two hours 20min on each boob, feed her every two hours then pump and give her a bottle of what i just pumped or I could supplement with formula,

During the day I can pretty much get her to eat for Atleast 20min on one boob and then maybe 5-10min on the other boob and she falls asleep or is just done eating. At night I have to wake her up and try to get her to eat and she will only eat for 10min. If I let her sleep till she wakes up (maybe 4 hours) she will usually do a 20-30min feed

So my question: had anyone’s baby been the same way. And even tho they were considered to have “poor weight gain” did you still wake them up to eat through the night or let them sleep till they woke you up?

I’m just not understanding how doctors can compare each baby to each other and want me to force feed her even when she unlatches and is finished eating herself. Or has no interest in eating every two hours at night.

Thank you.