How to handle a crier?

LO is a bit temperamental and since a newborn been high need. She’s 4 1/2 now and still a crybaby. She cries when things aren’t going her way, functioning how she wants. She’ll be upset and escalates it, sometimes she just exaggerates her crying. I do let her to cry it out until it gets to the point she’s pushing it to fake crying and make a scene.

My way to make her stop and think is, to ask if she’s crying because something hurts, tired, wants sleep, hungry. Then, depending the situation, I later tell her it’s ok to feel angry, upset when things aren’t going how she expects but no reason to cry. Maybe to ask for help, leave it alone and do something else and come back later. And also tell her, everyone is having such a lovely time, if she’s upset to go to a room not to bother others. It’s very frustrating and puts a damper on the situation and we all get moody. I’m not sure I’m handling her emotions right or explaining it properly.