Pink Discharge, UTI, Yeast/BV Infection


My new partner and I have been having *rough* unprotected sex (often as well). Instantly after all the activities, I was in pain. I took AZO right away because I felt like a UTI was coming and plenty of water to help flush out my bladder. I only took this AZO once. 3 days later, I suspected that I developed a yeast infection because my vaginal opening began itching intensely and I was having strange sensation in my lower abdomen. So, I got on a 3 day yeast infection OTC treatment. A day after finishing the treatment, some pain urination appeared again and the itching still persisted.

I decided to go to an urgent care to get checked out and told them my concern of intense vaginal itching, some urination pain, discharge, and some odor. I also mentioned that I have self treated myself for yeast, but did not work. So my doctor at the urgent care has prescribed and instructed me to insert a vaginal gel to help with the yeast/bv *twice* a day for 3 days, got me on Macrobid for my UTI (as my urine indicated bacteria), and basically AZO pills to help relieve urination pain. Towards the end of day of my visit to the urgent care, I started to notice a different discharge (seen on the image).

I’m on cycle day 27 when this pink discharged showed up. Mind y’all I’m PMS’ing and I’m expecting my period to come in about 3 days or so. Aside from my UTI and yeast infection symptoms— I am also experiencing PMS symptoms heavily on breast pain/soreness (which I do get and varied per cycle), fatigued, and I’m also stressed. According to my own research, looks like my pink discharge is affirming that it’s a sign that I may be getting my period soon and/or that it’s also due to my infection.

For more information on my pink discharge though: it’s blush pink, creamy, cloudy, no foul odor, and the discharge amount I’m experiencing is of same to what it’s like having yeast/bv infection.

I have just started taking my medications from my urgent care doctor and have inserted my first dose of the Metronidazole 0.75% gel.

Will be updating this as I go on my journey so I can help the community here. Hugs 💜 (See below image for updates)—

Update 1: I have now took a full 1 day course on my meds. I’m not experiencing any UTI pain as well as any itchy-ness. Perhaps the meds have relieved the pain. I do still have the pink discharge, except it isn’t as much as before (like how a yeast discharge would produce be like). I’m assuming that the antibiotic for the UTI and the vaginal cream has absorbed well. Aside from these symptoms almost gone, my PMS symptoms are currently winning. I’m beginning to feel cramps in my lower abdomen, mild headache (due to this summer heat), mood irritability, I’m a food monster, some nausea (v mild) and really fatigued. The boob soreness, not so much anymore. Luckily it’s a Sunday for me so I can lay and rest. But whew, this cramping is definitely brewing me for my uterus lining to start shredding 😖♨️ Oop— another update: I’m noticing bleeding 🩸. I’m on Cycle Day 28, so I guessing my new official period/Cycle Day 1 will be tomorrow. My period looked weird y’all. It was like how a yeast infection would look like: like cottage cheese, but except it’s red 🙃 LOL I quickly looked online to see if it’s still ok to continue my vaginal gel while on my period, and confirmed to still continue the treatment despite even if my period starts during time of treatment. Welp— we’ll see how it goes. Btw, I just stopped taking the AZO pills as I do not have anymore UTI pains. I am still taking my UTI antibiotic tho.

Update 2: I just finished the vaginal gel treatment while being on Cycle Day 2 🩸 I will be finish with my antibiotics very soon as well. My period symptoms are *still* winning. Bloating, cramps, acne, fatigued, and some nausea. No more UTI pain.