Vegas Blues

We have been ttc #2 for 19 m; I don't ovulate on my own (well not often) so its obviously a huge deal when I do. My dr finally prescribed clomid after 15 months of working with her. And the second dose seems to have worked. I had positive ovulation tests and we did the deed when we needed to. But we leave for a trip we planned a while ago to Vegas, I go in for a progesterone test to confirm ovulation the day before we leave. I will be testing before we leave but we're going with friends and I'll lie to get around drinking. But where I'm getting caught up is the what ifs. The day I'd be testing is going to be 8-9dpo. So early, But that's when I got my positive test with bb#1. But my unease comes to what if its negative, if I drink and then get a positive the next day or day after I'd feel so guilty. But if I'm getting negative tests I'd like to have a few drinks and enjoy this vacation that I have planned & paid for what would you do in this scenario? Im worried I'll feel so guilty even if its negative and then its positive a few days later 🙁