APS test numbers


Hey y’all.

For those of you who tested positive for APS, what were your numbers for igG and/or igM? Mine are HIGH and I’m just scared and worried.

A little backstory: I have a 6y/o and was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia at 32 weeks with him and borderline hellp syndrome (took me for emergency c section).. TTC two years later and kept having chemicals so we stopped for about six months. I also have a 2.5y/o and took baby aspirin from around 10-12 weeks I think through the whole pregnancy and around 34 weeks started to get high blood pressure and felt horrible. I was induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure and protein levels. We started TTC in November 2022 and fell pregnant quickly. I felt HORRIBLE this pregnancy and had a feeling of impending doom like something was wrong and had dreams of stillbirth. Around 7 weeks I started spotting and had a very sore spot on my shin and thought I had bronchitis that wouldn’t go away for two weeks. Coughing and hacking, severe pain in my hips and headaches. Doc said it sounded like a subchorionic cyst and left it at that. Fast forward to my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and baby had no heart beat. Stopped growing two days earlier according to measurements. So MMC and after taking the meds to induce the miscarriage I hemorrhaged. The placenta had visible clots and I bled very heavily and with lots of clots for two whole weeks. I went for a follow up because I thought my uterus was prolapsing out of my cervix and it turned out I had a huge subchorionic hematoma stuck in my cervix that never passed so she had to pull it out. We started trying again when she said it was okay and it took us 6 months to get pregnant again. This time I was hopeful because it’s not common to have multiple miscarriages back to back (so I thought), but when my Hcg wasn’t doubling correctly I just knew it was happening again. Another miscarriage at 5 weeks with lots of clots. My doctor finally offered additional testing and low and behold!

My beta 2 glycoprotein1 igG is >112! Normal range is <=20!!! This explains my losses and pregnancy history. But now I’m just angry they didn’t catch this sooner or that I didn’t advocate better for myself and I’m scared for the future. I feel like I’m rambling but I don’t know how to process these emotions I guess. I feel guilty for not figuring it out sooner and sad it could’ve been treated with medication but also hopeful for future pregnancy. Idk, sorry for the long post. If you made it this far thank you! 🥹🤟🏼