Implantation &🤮

So my period didn’t come for July but honestly that’s pretty normal. What’s throwing me off is yesterday I was eating a burger (always get that) w my friend and looked down at it (it was basically all gone) and said “I’m gonna blow chunk wth) and tan to the trash and dry heaved for a good few minutes. That NEVER HAS HAPPENED to me before! I also noticed I’ve been having aversions to meat smell (normal pregnancy thing for me but is also a recent pms thing) and then this AM i said oh here’s my period, bc my underwear were pink & showed my husband and he was like oh yeah dang. But then that was it all day today NADA but some pale yellow discharge. And I’m super tired and within the last hour I’m crampy? And I KNOW I ovulated in July bc I remember, so naturally a period would HAVE TO FOLLOW right?

Anyway what should I do? When can I test? And any thoughts?