Is this a cruel joke or should I test again?

Hey ladies - I hope it's ok to post this in here - I didn't want to post in the "super fertile/pregnant in two months" groups. I don't have a BFP to announce but...
I'm in a position I've never been in before. I'm at CD31 and no AF. I am starting to get excited but my rational brains says, "girl, you're infertile and you guys couldn't do clomid or <a href="">IUI</a> last month. Don't get your hopes up."  We took last month off from intervention (had timed intercourse though) because I had 4 large cysts from Clomid and another ruptured a couple of weeks before. I had a laparoscopy on 8/15 and they found stage 2 endo and removed it. 
​On CD27 (5 days ago) I took a pregnancy blood test at my OBGYN's office and it was negative, as well as a home pregnancy test. I haven't tested since then because I thought there wasn't a chance. The blood test CD27 would be late enough in my cycle to be reliable, right?
I had a positive OPK on CD12 and I think I'm currently 19 DPO. I keep feeling like I'm about to start my period (cramping, sore breasts) and every day I don't I'm surprised. In my three years of charting my cycles, they have varied from 23-29 days, usually 28 or 29.  Never 31. 
Have you guys heard of laparoscopy, cysts, ruptured cysts, endo, or Clomid causing cycles to lengthen? Should I retest? When should I call my fertility doc?
​Thanks for your help!