I feel like the worst mom ever….

I feel like the worst mom ever…. Last night I put my baby (6month) in his bed for the night and I went to bed shortly.. he woke up around 1 so took him and went to lay in my bed (which I have been doing ever since he started sleeping in his little crib in our room) I feel asleep and I turned on the wrong side (baby was not right on the edge but was on that side) 3h15am idk why but I opened my eyes for 2 sec… in those 2 seconds I saw my baby falling off the bed.. I didn’t even have time to catch him I heard a big bang… I was sooo scared and feel soo bad.. screamed to my bf to call 911 cause I just didn’t know what else to do… paramedics arrived checked him and told me that there was nothing to worry about he seems fine to them and to just keep a close eye on him…. I’m relieved that he’s okay but I feel soooo guilty, my stomach is upside down I still can’t stop crying and feel like the worst mom ever..😭