Toddler weaning and sleep problems. Help!


My daughter is 21 months old and has only been put to sleep with boob her whole life. I’m due in November and decided to wean. She is strong-willed and very attached so I went with the apple cider vinegar/water on the nipples method to make her decide on her own that she didn’t want them anymore. She says “mamas boobs is getting old” (because that’s what I’ve been telling her would happen) and she gets very upset about it sometimes. (Let’s be honest, I get sad too!)

so anyway, now she doesn’t nap because she doesn’t know how to fall asleep without them (she napped the first two days weaning by rocking and singing) but now she protests so hard and she’s awake for 12 hours (or more) and the last two nights she’s fallen asleep while I rock her and read to her at night. I don’t know what to do about naps. Is she done with naps forevermore? If she starts dozing off during the day to sleep she fights it and wakes up and cries and says go play or continues playing.