Morning sickness!!


Y’all I hate this morning sickness stuff, especially cause I’m getting up at a five am to get sick 😭 in my head I’m thinking “wow I’m never doing pregnancy again after this.” On the flip side, I’m grateful every time I get sick cause then I’m relieved I’m still pregnant. Anyways, I ate a snack at 4 am and that kept me from throwing up at 5. Then I woke up at 8, realized I forgot to take my prenatal yesterday so I took one right away.. big mistake. I threw that thing up 😭 normally I wait later in the day after the nausea for that reason, but bc I didn’t throw up at five I was thinking “I skipped the sickness today.” It was less than an hour after I got sick and threw up the vitamin. Should I take another layer in the day after eating some food?