37 weeks and measuring 2 weeks bigger and need advice


So I was told by my OB that measuring my belly isn’t the most accurate way to measure me. I was told that ultrasound would be best! We scheduled one about 4 weeks ago and it showed big guy in the 95 percentile and measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. That made total sense to me because he feels huge inside my belly honestly. Then we had another ultrasound last week which showed the same thing. 7lbs 13oz already so basically a pretty big guy. That all sounds great to me because honestly I’d rather him come sooner than later because I have been feeling very bad pain in my lower hips and belly to the point where I can’t do much. My problem is with my doctor’s currently. Out of the three I have, there is only one who I actually like and makes me feel confident. The other two are lack luster to say the least. I’ve only seen one of them two times in the whole pregnancy so I don’t know her very well and the other one seems to have no bed side manners or even care. I’ve seen her the most out of all of them and all of the appointments have just been her checking his heart beat and then leaving the room. No measuring, nothing else. I drive an hour to get there and I’ve paid good money to feel very overwhelmed and have no confident with my team. They don’t want to change my due date for whatever reason and just told me “he’s big but that just means you might have a hard time getting him out” how lovely to hear right lol?

Would love some advice on labor and big babies please and thank you. 💕💕