My nipples need help!!


Oh my gosh

So I don’t know what it is or if it’s related to any other health issue but my nipples will get splotchy and red, dry and cracked and bleeding. Shiny when the skin peels flakes off the nipples and areolas. I have tried going to the dermatologist— I’ve gotten washes and steroids. I have been using local beeswax and Shea butter balm that worked for a while but it’s not cutting it anymore. They aren’t super cracked and bloody right now but they are so red and so so so SO itchy. Last time this happened it lasted months and I just can’t do that again, and it’s already been a month.

I’m not breastfeeding or pregnant, but I figured some of those mommy blogs would have some solutions. I tried the salt water soak which felt good for a the 2 and a half minutes it was in the water but LORD when I took them out they were stinging and burning, I guess I’m not itchy, but I’ve gone from itchy to in pain.

I just want my sensitive and struggling nipples back to normal, I’m starting school again this week and I can’t just keep watching around with them out and braless trying to get better.

Please, PLEASE someone help!!

Here are some photos from tonight.