First time mom


When did you feel like things started to get easier? My baby is 3.5 months, many things are much better than when he was a newborn. He smiles and sleeps more. But im just wondering if things will get easier or harder as tome goes on? I constantly find myself wishing that he becomes a toddler fast so i can talk to him, teach him to reason, and even be able to take him our or on vacation without being so worried that he will just cry all the time. I asked my friend who has a 3 year old baby, and she said when you have a toddler you're going to wish he just cried instead of being so talkative and out of control the whole time. This makes me feel depressed. It makes me wonder, is the hardest part never over? Is my hard part actually the easiest part and am i going into a never ending loop of thoughts about when can i live life to the fullest with my baby?