We don't agree ! (pregnancy/birth)


Hi guys, I am currently very early in my pregnancy (6 weeks) but already my husband and I don't agree on a lot of things within pregnancy and birth. For example, i am looking for a peaceful, empowering, and supportive birth - at home in a tub with limited interventions. He says it will be stressful and chaotic and sho8ld.be at a hospital. He also says the fact i want limited interventions is stressing him out. Well him saying it'll be chaotic and stressful is stressing me out lmao. I guess im just looking for support from you guys and if anyone was in a similar situation. How do you get him more on board with this stuff? I tried showing him videos and what not but after talking a couple minutes about this he said he has reached his limit on baby stuff and wanted to watch later by himself. He just got home from work and we aren't talking.