How often is appropriate to contact teacher

My child is starting kindergarten in a week. He had a really difficult time adjusting to preschool (like VERY difficult, was in contact with his teacher daily and almost pulled him out because he cried every day all day )

I am obviously very concerned with him starting due to this but I know kindergarten teachers don't have the same time as pre k teachers for communication. I don't want to be annoying to the teacher but I need to know what's going on with my son and how he's adjusting because I don't want him to feel unsafe at school. But I also saw some tok toks from teachers saying parents are annoying when they are asking about the kids and everything so what is appropriate as far as parent teacher communication? I've never done this before and I'm very nervous.

Some of you are so ridiculous nowhere in this post does it say I would contact the school daily or during classroom hours , obviously they are busy as I said . I'm asking what's appropriate as far as calling after school to check in on how the first days or week went and what's appropriate moving forward if he comes home upset. Idk why people are so quick to jump on me for being concerned. Ridiculous.