Chemical pregnancy or no?


TW possible chemical pregnancy (not sure)

I hope this is okay to post here- I don’t know where else to ask. I got a very faint line but also started my period (?) on 14 DPO (on schedule). I’m bleeding, but it’s not a lot. But day 1 of my period isn’t usually heavy either. How do I know if it’s a chemical pregnancy or if I’m just spotting? Do I just keep testing every day? I know HCG can stay in the system for a bit if I’m having a chemical pregnancy, so how do I know if it’s leftover HCG or if I’m still pregnant? I know some women get their period and stay pregnant, sometimes for months. I’ve tried googling this and am not getting the answers I’m looking for and am just more confused. Do I just live in suspense while I bleed? 🫠 This was supposed to be my rainbow pregnancy. 💔