tell me if he’s cheating !😭 long post


i need opinions or advice, anything really!!! my fiancé and i are expecting in january. he’s never been the type to cheat or even talk to women behind my back (as far as i know) and i trust him with everything he tells me as he’s never given me a reason not to. he doesn’t text any other women on snapchat, instagram, messanger, nothing. and he lets me use his phone all the time so i never thought he had anything to hide. well while he was asleep, something was telling me “look at his email”. idk why but it was just my gut feeling. so i did. and i found ashley madison email talking about “new people in your area”. clearly a dating website. so i look it up and apparently it’s a dating website for people who are in a relationship/looking to cheat. so im invested by now, stomach churning and everything. before i jump to any conclusions, i decide to reset the password and log into his account to see if it was while we have been together or not. and low and behold, the profile pic is one from two months ago. we’ve been engaged for 9 months. i wake him up out of his sleep and ask what ashley madison is calmly and he just keeps saying “huh? i don’t know” i tell him what it is and that i found an account with all of his profile info and it has a recent pic from his snapchat memories of him flexing as the profile pic. he doesn’t even seem FAZED! he keeps denying it saying he has no idea what that even is and he’s never heard of ashley madison. he seems genuine…but if it was me i’d be freaking out if someone was impersonating me. why was he so calm? that’s my whole concern. he was saying someone else coulda stolen his info. and so i told him that if it’s not him i’m gonna report the account and trace the ip address to see where the account was made (i made this up i have no idea how to do that). he tells me to go ahead. so i pretended to do it and i told him that the account was made at our location and using his iphone. he still swears it wasn’t him and he has “no idea” why this account is made. keep in mind this whole time he’s not being caring, worried, or anything. just nonchalant about it. i tell him joining dating websites is something i consider cheating and that i’ll leave him over this. he tells me to “do whatever you want to.” i just know in my heart he wouldn’t cheat on me but now i’m concerned. what would you guys do? do you think he DID make it. or could it be someone stole his info? he’s not the type to lie. and he always tells me that if he wanted to be w someone else he wouldn’t be with me (saying he wouldn’t cheat). please help