3 year old covering ears

My daughter all of a sudden as of a few days ago is covering her ears at tons of sounds. She used to love loud sounds, like the vacuum or garbage disposable.

But now most things like that, she covers her ears in the beginning. Even sounds that aren’t as loud sometimes. She doesn’t act like it’s bothering her though. She definitely lets us know when things bother her! She just started doing this. I don’t think it’s an ear infection either, she seems totally fine and not acting bothered besides putting her hands to her ear. And sometimes she just randomly is doing it, even when it’s quiet! She’ll go most of the day without doing it, then start doing it a lot in a period of the day sometimes too.

She is a bit speech delayed and I know that can be a sign of autism as well as sensory issues. I don’t think she is autistic though, she loves people, super affectionate! She tries to talk, she’s just been a bit slower to figure out how to pronounce words (she’s improvising a ton as of lately tho! She just turned 3.) I just don’t get that sense from her.

I was wondering if this is a normal thing tho? And like I said, she just started doing this at 3 and never seemed to be bothered by sounds before so could this just be her learning her body and that it sounds dif when covering ears?