Is my baby drinking enough milk?


Exclusively pumping, first time mom here. My baby girl is 24 weeks and I’m worried she’s not drinking enough milk. From birth up till about 4 months of age she was a great consistent drinker. Her intake gradually went up to 5.5 oz of milk every 3-4 hours. Now, she’ll intake maybe about 3 oz when she’s first offered a bottle, and eat the rest in like an hour or two. Since her eating habit is so weird, idk how to keep track of her feeding times. If she eats 3 oz at 9 am and finishes the other 2 oz at 10:30 are they considered two different feedings? I don’t really know how to get her to eat a full bottle at once anymore. I’m not sure how to space out her feedings so she eats well. She’ll average between 23-29 oz depending how many feeding sessions she has. Her last check up, her doctor said her growth and weight were going well. I brought up her eating habits but the doctor wasn’t concerned. Is this normal? I’ve tried to research how many oz my baby should have at her age but it differs from website to website and I can’t find a reliable source. Just wanted some opinions and advice please!