Noisy toddler in apartment

Does anyone else get anxiety living in an apartment with your toddler because of how much noise they makešŸ˜… I currently have lived in my apartment for about a year and a half, first place of my own. When I first moved in nobody lived above me or beside me so I never really worried or cared about how much noise my toddler made but a couple months ago someone moved in upstairs and I feel like Iā€™m the ā€œannoying loud neighborā€ for themšŸ«  my toddler is SO noisy some days. Heā€™s always so full of energy and constantly running around the apartment, stomping his feet on the ground, throwing toys around, I have hardwood floors so itā€™s very very loud. Heā€™s constantly climbing and jumping off of the furniture just stuff like that all of which are pretty normal kid things but my neighbors hear all this all day every day and I can tell it aggravates them because they hit the ceiling with stuff or will stomp a few times in one spot or slam doors up there. They give me dirty looks whenever Iā€™m outside. Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t called and put in a noise complaint on me with as much noise comes from my apartment, Iā€™ve tried to get my toddler to not be as loud but heā€™s a toddler so that only gets me so far. I try to not let it bother me because this is our home and obviously I want to me and my child to be comfortable in our home but I also try to be respectful and considerate of my neighbors as well and Iā€™m sure they donā€™t appreciate the constant noise. I think Iā€™m the only one in my building with a small child and Iā€™m almost due with another next month so I feel like all the neighbors are going to hate me lol anyone else feel like this or am I just too self aware. I hate feeling like me or my kids are bothering someone elsešŸ˜