I'm starting to think getting pregnant is impossible

So I'm 2 days late on my period & I have no signs that she is coming any time soon but I keep getting negative test. I'm losing my mind at this point. I just want to give my fiancé his own child because I already have a 5 year old but I don't see it happening anytime soon
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It takes healthy couples 6-12 months to conceive. If it's been a year talk with your doctor!


Bobbie • Jan 3, 2016
on average it takes that. most drs won't see you unless you've been ttc for over a year. I've seen couples that are perfectly healthy take years to conceive.


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I feel the same way 😢 I have a 3 year old and getting pregnant with her took one missed pill.... now it's been 4 months of "trying" and nothing! I know there are people who have been trying way longer but still makes me feel like it's not gonna happen for me! Good luck to you! I hope you get ur bfp soon!