How do i do this?


I gave birth 4 months ago to my first baby, and even though my mom and I dont exactly have the ideal relationship, she has moved in with me to help me with the baby. Her main role is when im working from home during the day she takes the baby, if i have a meeting or something. At 5 pm onwards my husband and I take care of the baby, and at night i take the shift. Yes the help is good and im grateful, so please don't say im not grateful. last week we got into an argument (over her inviting my aunt to come over at 7am without consulting me which i didn't like) and it totally sent me back to when i was 15 years old. She is emotionally immature and handles issues by silent treatment, rolling eyes, and laughing when something doesnt go my way. When she started behaving that way i started thinking that perhaps its time for her to go home and for me to start figuring things out logistically on how to make a system that works for me when im working from home with a 4 month old. Any tips? I also want to mention that i have house help but im always anxious that my baby will become attached to her if i let her help me with the baby- which i dont like.