My long distance boyfriend is depressed need advice :(


Hi everyone. I need some advice on advice to give my boyfriend. He live in Scotland. I am a full time student and he works tons of hours to be able to come to the US about every 6 weeks. We just made a huge step with ending our long distance, he got into nursing school here in the US starting in the spring!! However that means that we won’t get to see each other in October (when our typical 6 weeks is). Instead we have to wait till December for when he officially moves here cause he has to work and save up. He is really struggling with the idea that we have to be away from each other that long and the fact that he has to work all that time without a break. I’m trying to support him by saying to think positive about finally having an end date to the distance and to remember to take time off and for himself. He understands that is what he should do, but he says that he is struggling to find anything that he likes doing, or finds no joy in things he used to like, he just wants to be on the phone with me. And he cannot think positively about the situation, he is just so sad that we are apart at all. And I fully understand and I feel the same, except that my mindset is different and I try to be thankful that I have him in my life at all. I’m just struggling to give him anymore advice. He said he will try some new hobbies and go into them with an open mind and try to enjoy himself, hes gonna get back into playing his guitar which I’m happy about. But he has absolutely zero faith that it will help him. I’ve tried praying with him, he’s not religious, but he’s open to it. Is there any other advice? He said he feels as though his armour though out the past two years has chipped away and he now has none left, he doesn’t feel strong anymore with how hard this is. Please help me find a way to support him!!!