MIL unnecessary comments


How do you deal with the constant (every time we visit) unnecessary comments? Do you leave them be and carry on or do you say something?

We had a dinner tonight and my MIL was at it again with her comments. First, not a comment but she turned the tv on during dinner, there was no reason for that so I asked her to turn it off and she says “but he likes my show!” I told her I don’t care, he doesn’t need to watch tv and she rolled her eyes and turned it off. Then, asking my 8M if he was going to eat some ice cream cake, I obviously said no because that’s absurd and she’s like “don’t worry daddy will feed you some because mommy won’t” 🙄. Next, we’re getting ready to leave (just baby and I) and she’s like “good thing we didn’t celebrate at the trailer because you’d have to leave before dinner was even ready to get to bed”. I let my baby stay up an hour past his bedtime, which some may think that’s nothing but he hasn’t been sleeping great so we’ve been prioritizing sleep/wake windows.

I’m just tired of her comments all the time & I don’t say anything because I don’t want drama, but I’m so tired of them.